Open Business for Community Development -OBCD
Programme: Erasmus+ Alliances for innovation
Project n°: 101056033
Coordinator: Università di Patrasso
OBCD starts from the analysis of a new entrepreneurship paradigm based on the necessity of combining economic growth and social innovation, in order to contribute to creating more inclusive, creative and sustainable societies and economies. The project will investigate how open business approaches applied to social entrepreneurship (SE) can contribute to local development. This concept leads to new challenges for education and training since it highlights emerging occupations as well as new knowledge, competences and skills, for the development of the so-called SEs. The general objective of the project OBCD is to foster innovation in HE, c-VET, enterprises and the broader socioeconomic environment, by investigating the potential of the open business model approach, developing and testing new training modules addressing skill gaps in the SE sector. OBCD will analyze the emerging skills and occupations, identifying the learning outcomes (LOs) which could be used and adapted for the development of 2 new curricula (from EQF 5 to 6) and training modules, that will be tested at HE and VET level. These LOs will be identified according to the specific knowledge of the consortium partners from 5 EU countries, coming from HE, VET and social economy field, and this will ensure that skills to be developed will be consistent with the needs of an evolving labour market. The project will also promote the co-creation of knowledge between HE, VET, research, the public sector and the business sector in order to contribute to innovation in business modelling and in education and training. This will be pursued by fostering the development of “knowledge triangles” (HEI, VET, Business) working together for the development of innovative education contents and tools, and business ecosystems in the field of SE, aiming to develop aware, sustainable and connected communities able to generate business value and sustainable development at local level through Open Business models.