DIGITopen - Supporting the digital transformation of MSMEs and the Third Sector through open-source
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000154884
Coordinator: Chambre de Commerce Italienne pour la France de Marseille
Despite the unexpected skills development pushed by the pandemic, the Third sector (TS )- intended as the range of organisations including voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives - as well as micro-small-medium enterprises (MSMEs) remain far behind in terms of digital capacity. There are probably many factors contributing to this, including the shortage of suitable funding, or for example, the fact that two-thirds of TS organizations have a very low income and perhaps even the relatively older age profile of sector members compared to the general population (‘Open Source Software in the Social Sector’, GitHub 2020). The digital transformation of our society is, in any case, inevitable. If such organizations are not well equipped with the necessary digital skills, knowledge and tools, they will not be in a position to support our communities to make the transition. The general objective of DIGITopen is to support a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the TSOs and MSMEs thanks to the open-source (OP) approach to boost their digital transformation.
● R1: Design of the DIGITopen course curriculum.
● R2: Development of Toolkit on open source.
● R3: Piloting of the online course
● R4: Creation of SAT - Self-Assessment Tool
● R5: Design of Guidelines for digital transition through open source.