Coop4in - Cooperative business for social inclusion in rural areas
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000034969
Coordinator: Base3 società cooperativa
The general objective of COOP4IN is the creation of a cooperative business model in which the role of people with disabilities (PWDs) is pivotal and at the same time the elaboration of policy recommendations aimed at promoting the importance of creating and supporting social enterprises and cooperatives in rural areas, as a means for sustainable local development thus also increasing the quality of services provided to people with disability.
The creation of job opportunities and the enhancement of services provided to disadvantaged groups are expected to create not only the enhancement of the quality of life of PWDs but also positive impact to remote/rural areas that are suffering from migration and depletion of communities and local economy. In order to support this process, the design of a specific business model is crucial in allowing local stakeholders to take action and understand the potential of social entrepreneurship for local areas.
The following main results are planned:
● design of a model for inclusion of PWDs with an active role in shaping social enterprises/cooperatives in rural areas
● Policy recommendations for promoting the participation of PWDs in social entrepreneurship as a means for employment and rural development.