Business 2030 - Supporting sustainable development in SMEs
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-VET-000034741
Coordinator: People of 2050
Representing 99% of all businesses in the EU, SMEs are the backbone of Europe's economy. SMEs are very diverse in terms of business models, size, age, and entrepreneurs’ profiles.
The Business2030 project aims to create a network of organizations interested in tackling sustainability issues and help SMEs in the green transition. Since all SMEs can play a key role in contributing to the SDGs, regardless of their size, shape and field of interest, they have to be supported in acting responsibly and pursue opportunities to solve social challenges through organizational innovation.
Business2030 aims to provide organizations across Europe with tools useful to facilitate the understanding of the transformations to sustainability and assess the changes needed to meet environmental and social targets.
The project will produce the following results:
● R1: Business2030 Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool. The tool aims to help organizations determine their performance across the major areas of sustainability.
● R2: Business2030 Online Toolkit for VET providers. It aims at providing VET providers and BSOs staff with efficient tools for supporting the green transitions of SMEs.
● R3: Business2030 MOOC. It will allow for replicability of the course during the project and beyond its duration.