Brain Waves
ProgrammE: Erasmus+
Progetto numero: 2023-1-DK01-KA220-SCH-000155554
Coordinator: Korup Skole
Brain Waves project is based on the Service Learning Methodology, where robotics and scratch students will implement robots or video games for improving the lives of people with disability (PWDs), promoting inclusivity, creativity and digital literacy. It will also contribute to the development of accessible technologies that can improve the lives of PWDs.
Service Learning is a teaching and learning methodology which fosters civic responsibility and applies classroom learning through meaningful service to the community.
In service learning, students reflect on the service experience, connecting what they have learned to their academic coursework and personal values. This process helps students make connections between their experience and the broader community.
In addition to this, educational robotics and programming have proven to be powerful facilitators of learning, enabling the development of:
● STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) skills.
●Social skills (teamwork, role-taking, etc.).
● Emotion management (frustration tolerance, patience, self-esteem, etc.).
Brain Waves aims to promote inclusion and support for young people with intellectual disability through the use of robotics and coding. Primary school students will work alongside individuals with intellectual disability to develop solutions using these technologies.
● R1: ● Elaboration of didactic material for the creation of video games.
● R2: ● Production of digital material that helps PWD to improve a specific need.
● R3: ● Coding and robotics material.